The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012


I love this time of year in the garden. Everything is starting. Everything is full of promise. I'm so glad we put in a white lilac bush a couple of years ago. The smell is so wonderful, I had to bring some of it inside to enjoy on this wonderful Victoria Day (aka May 2-4) weekend! I hope you both are enjoying the long weekend too!


Weekend watching has me in full manathon-ing effect as I'm concurrently going revisiting both the Bond Franchise (Goooooooooooooldfinger!) and Alien series with Aliens. I love that movie. So much. Also got to re-visit Secret World of Arrietty and wow, that means the only new film was The Collapsed for and upcoming DVD review in a few weeks as I'm trying to get a bit ahead. Oh my, me....trying to get ahead! WOW!


Having a quiet weekend while Reg studies. Turns out the only way I turn to journaling is when I am trying to be as quiet as possible. I have been trying to figuring out where I want to take my foodie blog next. I have been very scattered lately which before was OK but not anymore. I really feel the need to get focused now. The process was very revealing.


Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Enjoy the revisiting, Shannon! I know you'll enjoy re-watching Aliens, LOL! I wonder if that's the most re-watched movie in our family? No, it's got to be Star Wars. It's amazing how much re-watchability is a factor in movies these days!

I'm glad you're having some quiet time, Suzie. I know for myself when things are starting to shift and grow into a new incarnation, one of the firs steps is always quiet time, journalling and often some dreamboarding too. I hope that wonderful things are revealed!

Shannon the Movie Moxie said...

Looks like it was a relaxing and pondering weekend for all this May 2-4!

I love the flowers at your place Jamie! It's so awesome to see the flowers come back year after year and I'm sure the fragrance is just lovely!

Sounds like the revisioning is going well Suzie, and it's great to know what you need to journal, it's amazing the difference it makes when you can work that in

And oh my, now I'm trying to figure out if we watched Star Wars or Aliens more! That's a toughie! A close third might be Die Hard... or Lethal Weapon... :)