The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 20, 2013


The weather was less than stellar yesterday and when I was out doing the very last of my shopping the last thing I expected was to have a Catz in the Hood moment! Still, this beauty braved the weather and asked for some attention. You can almost hear the meow!


Another project I'm working on is the Teen Wolf Countdown to Season 3 (Part 2) Marathon. Wow, that's a mouthful. I'm actually halfway there and look in reasonable shape to complete it (WOOHOO), but this was more to say it's hilarious the thumbnails YouTube picks. On the ones where I love what I'm talking about, I can get a horrible one. And then I get this zinger of a pic for an episode I didn't like. Too funny.

1 comment:

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

LOL, Shannon! This is a great picture! Hehe, YouTube certainly picked a good one.

A little while ago, and only once, I had the option to add my own thumbnail! I hope I dind't miss my one window of opportunity, LOL.

That will be great if you wrap this up in your timeline. (Lol, I originally typed "warp this up" - wrong show!)