The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017


This was the first normally busy day that I have had in weeks! It was such a treat to just get up, doing my writing, coach my clients and even finally get to some correspondence. I even managed to do a bit of paper cutting. What fun!


I'm trying to get a little more intentional about food stuff, so I planned out so me meals to actually make this week. One is still assembly only, but the other is actually cooking! We'll see what ends up actually happening!


It was a Reg day on Monday. Started with going to the dentist to fix his tooth with a temporary one and then we went out to see a trailer for the short film he is in with a bunch of short films from Capilano's Film School. I ended up missing my class which is a shame but I couldn't do that on top of everything else. He wore his tux and got lots of compliments!


Suzie Ridler said...

Glad things are calming down a little for you to get to paper cutting and what a sweet tortoise Jamie!

That's big foodie news Shannon, I hope the planning goes well.

Shannon said...

It took me a minute to get normally busy day meant, like, not overly busy day... and I'm not totally sure if that was it. That said, I'm glad you were able to do all the scheduled regs and get paper cutting in. These turtle are awesome! It's amazing to see the original and a cut out, my eye keeps going back and forth between the two, cuiously looking at all the different shapes.

Wow, that is a big day for Reg, Suzie! That's really cool that there was a trailer for the short film he's in at a theatre, I've never seen that. Sad to hear you coudln't get to your class, I hope you can get to some other creating this week!

We'll see how the prepping and food-making goes, I start that tomorrow!