The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

June 20, 2017


Yesterday I worked and worked. I focused on some to-dos that have been following me week to week and got many of them off the list. Yay!! At the end of the day, Justin and I went out for what turned into a very long walk. Along the way, we saw this little boo just sitting in the park, hanging out :)


Whelp, another readathon has come and gone. I did a wrap up video, and I am not sure how I feel about how this one went. I ended up switching out a bunch of titles so that I could meet the challenges including reading 7 books (I ended up reading several novellas and short stories mostly), but no I have a bunch of half read stuff. So weird, the energy was just off this time around. BUT I did get a bunch of stuff read so...I guess that's good.


Ugh. Fatigue overload and I had to get out to the post office, return library books, pick up food so we don't starve and then go to mixed media class. I didn't think I was going to make it but somehow I did and my artwork wasn't great (I seem to no longer be caring about results which I am not sure is a good thing) but I really connected with people which was pretty awesome. That said, I'm so tired. Damn crane outside our house starts making huge noise starting at 7 am. Bastards!


Suzie Ridler said...

What a cute little boo she is too! So glad you were productive and went for an adventurous walk with Justin Jamie. :)

Ah man, too bad you have stuff not quite finished Shannon but it sounds like overall you did a great job.

Shannon said...

Way to go on getting lots of to do's done! It feels so good, doesn't it? To get those ones that stay with you done? I hope to have that feeling soon. And yay for meeting more cats in the hood!

Wow, Suzie that is a full day but good on you for getting to class. And I wouldn't sweat not caring about the results, some days are like that but you did the work and that's a great thing. Damn crane though, 7am? Mean!