The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

June 9, 2015


Justin and I went out for a pre-dinner walk yesterday.  After an intense few days of taxes, coaching and getting some workshops ready, it was great to get outside and enjoy the everyday, like cats in the hood, robins singing, gardens blooming, houses for sale, people walking puppies. All is well.


Since I hurt my feet on the weekend walking too far, I spent Monday getting stuff done but wore myself out big time. At least I am really happy with how my new camera is working out in the kitchen so far. It was a tough day though. Especially emotionally. I think I am just completely exhausted and kind of sad. I keep hoping there is a way for me to do things that will help me make friends but I can barely keep up with life here, let alone add anything to help me meet people. Thank goodness for the internet.


Jamie Ridler Studios said...

I'm sorry to hear that it's been such an exhausting time. Suzie, I doubt you've even caught up your energy from your visit! Maybe some extended rest time would help in getting you into a rhythm that feels good and like you can add some social activity. It sounds like that's important.

I hope your feet are feeling better. And I can't wait to learn how you make hummus!

Suzie Ridler said...

That's a ton of work Jamie! I'm glad you two got out for a walk to shake it off and let good stuff in.

Yes, it's true, it's probably the travel catching up with me. Thanks Jamie and hope you like the hummus! If the texture isn't good enough, try the blender trick. I'm going to do that next time!

Shannon said...

I'm so glad that you get out and enjoy walks Jamie! It sounds like such a nice breather to see the everyday thoughout the hecticness of so many to dos.

Sounds like another day of too much Suzie :( I'm sorry things have been tough and sad, that is really challenging. I wonder what would help make things work. Sounds like first would be some rest,....any maybe eating some awesome looking hummus!