The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17, 2014


I am in love with this cat. You can barely see her, right? What great camouflage! She went from this to literally sitting on my lap, purring and rubbing her nose across my face.  We had such good cuddles! I wish I'd had my camera-camera with me!


After quite a dry spell of vlogging I am totally back in the game and one thing I'm happy to get back to is my "Those Books" reviews. I've read 2 more and was thrilled to get the vlog for Goosebumps: Welcome to Dead House up. It's wild that about 20 years after selling hundreds of these kids horror novels, I finally read one! You never know when something will come back to you. And, inspired by Jamie's post from Michaels, I rustled up some coloured paper to use as a background for pictures. Totally loving that - thanks, Jamie!


Reg and I haven't had any viewings in a week. As a result, we have had some time on our hands to think about the backyard. I love our little wild and magical backyard and really wanted to add this toad stool under our maple tree as a place to sit and read a book. But then we got this gnome with a solar lantern and he looks perfect there so I am going to put the stool somewhere else. It is shocking just how much is scares me that having a gnome in the backyard could hurt our sales prospect. But then I saw him from the bedroom window keeping watch for us at night and I just have to leave him there. My real estate agent would freak so I am only showing it here for now. It's a little woodland out there and I think people need help seeing that.


Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Wow, that Goosebumps title is scary!! I'll have to check out your vlog, Shannon. I haven't read one of these books either! And yay to the background. It looks awesome. I'm so glad it's working for you too!

Oh, Suzie, I love how your gnome looks so magical. There's a real feeling of woodland magic, you're right! He also feels like he's a protector. Maybe he'll keep negative energy away and welcome the right people into the house :)

Suzie Ridler said...

Jamie, that cat is awesome! So wonderful that it was so stealthy and then so lovey, LOL. You truly are the cat lady.

Great vlog Shannon and am so glad you enjoyed Goosebumps, that's one I have always been curious about.

Thank you so much Jamie! I worry because people can find gnomes tacky but I do feel like he is a protector. :)

Shannon said...

What a cutie cat Jamie! And totally great kitten camo playing in the box of camo! And yay for kitty cuddles :)

A literal toad stool! that's awesome Suzie, I love your magical backyard :) I think it's totally fair to have a gnome out there keeping watch :)

I'm loving the backgrounds, I have the bright red I used, as well as pale yellow, green and blue. Totally loving them!

Suzie Ridler said...

That's awesome you got coloured paper for backgrounds, makes such a difference, doesn't it??