The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014


After quite a long hiatus, I'm back to doing interviews for the podcast. I had a great time chatting with my friend Jennifer Lee about her new book, Building Your Business the Right-Brain Way. It was awesome because the book arrived just as I was about to chat with her! Great timing.


Tuesdays feel like they are becoming vlogging days. It's so funny, because I used to feel pretty strongly about not recording more than 1 at a time, but now I really like having a few done so I can post them throughout the week. So odd how things like that can change!


What a crazy day! Bought a slip cover for our old stained couch, the final touch (a small vase) for the basement bathroom and started sanding the deck furniture so I can paint it robin's egg blue-y green. Oh and removed stains for our carpets. Ugh! Can't wait to have a life again.


Shannon said...

Ack! A quick look at that picture makes me think the chairs fell down and went boom! Looks like it was a big prep day and getting lots of little things done to make everything all the more prepped. Way to go!

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Shannon, that's great that you're finding a way that works for you. It's so true that it feels a bit weird when those things change. I've got to catch up on your sweater adventure!

Wow, Suzie, you have been so focused and dedicated. I know that all of your hard work is going to show! Looking forward to seeing how the chairs turn out.

Suzie Ridler said...

That is awesome you're back to recording to the podcast Jamie and Jennifer Lee is on fire! I know you two are friends so that sounds perfect to me.

Shannon, it is funny how things can change and evolve like that. I love the thumbnails you have been using for your vlog, especially the latest sweater one.

I know, it's a weird looking to have the chairs upside down but I got to sand the whole thing. Yes, every day is a project. Slow-going but we're getting there, thanks. I can't paint the chairs until we hit double digits on Saturday but most of the prep is done.