The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17, 2013


Yesterday was my last full day at work. The Wishcasting e-course is out. I had a meeting with my intern Ginny about a Year of Dreams (my new program based on Full Moon Dreamboards) and had a MAJOR breakthrough about its form and that opened up all sorts of energy and creative kapow. What's amazing is that it was only much later that I realized all of that happened under the influence of the Full Cold Moon! That feels like an auspicious sign.


Nothing say Christmas like COOKIES!  Well lots of things say Christmas, but these cookies have been a staple of mine to make although I've taken many years off of them.  That might be noticable considering these are my first batches and look drastically different.  I am happy I made them.  And the second go might be a bit more even :)


This is more symbolic than literal of my day yesterday. I took this of Reg wearing exactly the same colour as the walls at Target a week or so ago. Maybe it was the full moon or something but emotions ran very intense and I just wanted to reject the world. I think I am putting too much time and energy into other people's projects than spending time doing what I want to do. So many product reviews and failed interview attempts. All I really want to do is screw around in the kitchen playing with food doing my own thing. I am scared though. Totally scared that when I stop accepting opportunities I won't have money to do my own thing. OK there. I said it. 


Suzie Ridler said...

I love it! It's artsy photo day!

That's great you have made so much progress and I am curious to hear about the dream boarding development.

Man, the full moon was intense for me. Glad you used it to finish projects and open ideas for new ones.

Shannon said...

I'm so glad you had an awesome breakthrough Jamie, and got the Wishcasting eCourse out. Holiday transitioning begins!

I totally hear you on the scared to stop saying yes feeling like it could = not having anything to work with. Messing around in the kitchen and doing your own thing sounds like a good idea Suzie. And I love the picture! Totally feels like surrealist art.

Late add from me :)

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Cookies!!! It certainly does say, Christmas, Shannon - especially for breakfast. Yum!! Thank you so much for making - and for sharing!

Suzie, I'm sorry the energy has been so intense and uncomfortable. It sounds like it's leading you to shift directions though and maybe that's a good thing.

That picture of Reg is AWESOME! It could totally be his album cover.

Suzie Ridler said...

Shannon, love that you made cookies!!! Way to go and you're right, nothing more Christmasy.

Thank you, I really loved how artsy this photo turned out. So glad Reg agreed to do it. Reg loved the idea of the album cover Jamie!