The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January 30, 2013


Recording stART for the first time at my new desk - yay! I'm starting to feel at home in the studio again. I needed my dreamboard up. Thanks, Shannon, for the foldback clip tip! It was great to talk to you in the new space and share our creative journeys!


I normally never bake in the morning or before an afternoon appointment but these raspberry chocolate chip meringues came out just fine! I did not feel panicked because I have made meringues many times now and Reg loved them! Although technically I think I have eaten more than he has. I think knowing my appointment get-together was with you too helped bring down the stress and let me bake again! :)


Suzie Ridler said...

It was awesome to see you in your "new" studio Jamie during stART! Very cool and I am so glad the clips worked!

Shannon said...

YAY for stART at the new desk Jamie! It's so exciting to now get to see both views! And I'm so glad the fold back clip tip worked :)

Oh.... raspberry chocolate chip meringues sounds absolutely divine Suzie! And way to go for being able to make them in the morning and break pattern - woohoo!