The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21. 2012


I feel like this could be a picture of so many of my days! 
Though the view is the same, I may be exploring, creating, learning something entirely different. Justin had to work this Family Day, so I spent a delicious day writing, working on an e-course that will guide you through an entire year of dreamboarding, complete with meditations and journal questions for each full moon to deepen the magic.


Yesterday was a (provincial) holiday here so I actually had a day of unplanned time and spent some of it creating a video and attacking 'the stuff' in my apartment. I moved over 6 months ago and it's really time to you know... be settled.


Life was too insane yesterday to take photos. Lots of phone calls and stuff to do. So glad I started the day with these Qi Gong exercises. I don't know what happened at the end of this video, it got cut off, but doing part 1 and 2 really heated me up and got me out of breath. I am more and more convinced this is an effective practice for those with fibromyalgia and that the illness may be caused by stuck chi in the sore spots. Still not sleeping though.


Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Shannon, I love that everywhere I look around your photo I see memories and stories and things I recognize. At the same time, I totally recognize the whole 'stuff' thing. Here's to being settled!

Suzie, that makes total sense to me about fibro being about blocked chi!! I hope these exercises help get the flow going in a really positive, healing way. (Btw, did you see that Chaz just created a podcast for fibro?)

Suzie Ridler said...

Ah Reg had to work yesterday, no holiday here at all! But it looks like you spent it wisely Jamie and how nice that your "work" is so inspiring and beautiful.

Shannon, it's so true, so many memories in your apartment! Yes, getting settled is a great idea. Let's hope it stays that way until when/if you want a change.

Reg has always wanted to get me to do Tai Chi but it's so complicated, there's just no way. The idea of doing one move repetitively for some reason works much better. Wouldn't it be amazing if my theory is right?

I did see that he had a new fibro yoga class but haven't checked it out yet, I hope to soon! I really like his classes.