The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012


The snow and cold made it a good day for tea and reflection. My table still holds the holidays: a Christmas tablecloth that evokes Latvian dinners, a tall vase that holds our anniversary's white lilies and roses. Journal time helped me get clear on what this year holds for Jamie Ridler Studios and what resources will be required.



One of my Sunday rituals is to go for coffee to journal, make lists and plan for the week.
I find an immense difference in my day and my week when I do or don't do it.
If I don't do it, I feel grumpy and overwhelmed and even though I'm out of the house for a couple hour I still end up overall being more productive than if I had just stayed home.
It's weird, but it works.
And I like things that work.


Guess it was a paperwork kind of day. We had lots we had to go through and while we took breaks we watched High Fidelity and the new show Smash which I liked more than I thought I would.


Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Here's to rituals that work *and* involve good coffee :) I've been taking myself on coffee dates the past couple of weeks and I too am finding it makes all the difference.

Suzie, I often take entertainment breaks between to-dos on Sunday too! That's interesting about Smash. I might have to check it out!

Suzie Ridler said...

Wow, it really was paperwork day on Sunday. You might like Smash Jamie!