The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017


I can't believe that I didn't take a picture of the lovely dinner we had at Shannon's yesterday. What fun to eat green curry together and watch the newest Alien movie! Family dinners ftw :) In the afternoon Justin and I went to a few Open Houses in the neighbourhood and saw some very interesting properties. Including this odd little house built way back behind the others on the street. To quote Spock, "fascinating."

Mermaid Pendant


I did have plans for the weekend but had to cancel them due to health problems on Friday night. As a result I spent most of it in bed but I did manage to do a photoshoot of my upcoming mermaid and nature jewelry launch for the fall. Only got through the pendants but that isn't bad. I thought the whole weekend was going to be a total write off!


Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Are you all right, Suzie? I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so rotten and truly amazed that you created such a magical photo when feeling unwell. Your mermaid series is truly special.

Suzie Ridler said...

Oh lucky you to have green curry dinner together, lovely! Did you like the new Alien movie? Funny, we watched the first one with a friend on Friday night. That house reminds me of all the laneway houses going in around Vancouver.

I woke up 3 times with heart palpitations and couldn't breathe on Friday night, it was brutal. I just could not function the next day. I took more meds before bed the next night and seem to be OK but the heavy heart is coming back. It will take weeks before I get the test results of everything and the stress of life is pretty tough right now. I'm trying to get through it.

Shannon said...

Family dinners FTW! It was fun to host dinner and have a dinner and a movie night! It's super cool that you were able to check out open houses in the neighbourhood, I don't think I would have ever even spotted that house!

That photo is gorgeous Suzie! You really set the stage for your jewerly and create a whole vibe for them which is just wonderful. I'm sorry you had to cancel your plans, that's never a fun thing.