The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017


I had a blast of a time making bookmarks for the books that I'm reading for the marathon I'm doing this week. It's been so long since I've made any, and this time I mostly used one full image per side whereas before I've done more collage. It's wild how even something you've done multiple times you can still take a new approach, and still enjoy the result! Now... back to reading for me!!



It was all about the brioche this weekend and what to do with it! Rich, eggy and delicious brioche bread that I used for Gordon Ramsay's first cooking class. I thought I might as well also learn how to make brioche as well so I taught myself. We also did an epic grocery shop so we finally have food again. A good foodie weekend.


Shannon said...

So... did you learn this recipe so that you could have brioche to use for the Ramsey class? That's dedication! Glad to hear you got a good food shop in! With all the crazy weather it's good to stock up! Glad to hear it was a good foodie weekend!

Suzie Ridler said...

I love seeing your bookmarks and noticed that you were collaging with them which is so cool! Perfect timing with the readathon you're doing Shannon.

Nope, did not learn how to make brioche in the Ramsay class but he used it in a recipe so I thought, I'll make my own. I don't think anyone around here sells it anyway. Most people just used regular bread or English muffins. Yes, thank you, it was a good foodie weekend. So grateful we got groceries!