The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Friday, February 19, 2016

February 19, 2016


I'm continuing to set up my new place, and that includes stocking the kitchen! I think I'll try to do one recipe a week that's a pantry builder, and this week it's the mushrooms (bacon/mushrooms, not stuffed mushrooms). And as such, I needed to pick up flour, salt and pepper. It was really hard to not buy a larger, more economical size, but I can only carry so much so I went with the smaller versions. It was still a lot to carry, but I'm set for a bit. Oh, and the sugar is for guests :)


Suzie Ridler said...

Yay to building up your pantry Shannon! :) And I hear you on the flour. But that's actually a good size really. And enjoy the mushrooms and bacon.... yum!!!

No photo from me today. Just rested and had to skip pottery and D&D to try and kick this cold to the curb.

Shannon said...

I can't wait to have the mushrooms and bacon, will be my first real meal here I think. And unless I bake something, that flour should last me a long time!!

Good for you for resting Suzie. I know it's hard to scale back, but when your sick it's the best way go do. I hope you are feeling better now.