The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015


I finally finished Book 1 of War and Peace! There is a lot more to go, but I'm not 25% through and that feels so good. It's such a huge book and I am taking it pretty slow by standards of the other stuff I read but it needs a different energy than other reading. It's been a challenge to figure out the best approach and I've tried a few but I'm going to just keep reading. Plans are good, but that is time I could spend READING! Who am I kidding? I'll always make a plan.


Tonight was the (knock on wood) last night at the hospital. I don't think we could have taken much more. Finally over.


Suzie Ridler said...

I am so impressed you are that far Shannon into War & Peace! And yes, planning and reading are two things that you love and figuring out how to do both is a challenge. But you can do it!

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Congratulations, Shannon! And lol to self-knowledge. Planning it is!

Thank goodness, Suzie! And wow, let's hope that little green guy has a say because vote seems to be that everything is a-okay!

Shannon said...

I'm so glad to hear that the hospital trips finally ended Suzie. What an ordeal and was, but I'm glad that it was successful!