The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rewind: May 5, 2013


This slide is the perfect argument for the value of keeping fuzzy pictures. What a joy to re-experience this moment. Suzie, you are such a happy panda! And Shannon, of course, you are moving, LOL! What treasures.

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Okay, this is a bit of an odd rewind, but it kind of fits! After about a month or so off of my Star Trek: The Next Generation re-watch I came back to it, and I didn't even really realized the time I took off was during watching the films with TNG cast for my film rewatch. So much Star Trek, everywhere!!

1 comment:

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Yay for Star Trek. Sometimes (many times) it is precisely the right thing to watch! I love that it's part of the rewind experience!