These broken crystal teardrops express the truth of my most recent interloper interaction. After not seeing him for a couple of days, he was curled up at our door in the morning, clearly hoping for breakfast. I let him in. After a while, it was getting pretty cold so I risked closing the door. Big Mistake. He went ballistic. He threw himself at everything trying to get out. He lept as high as the top of the windows. He'd broken lots of things before I managed to get the door open so he could get out. I'll be posting more about the experience and my thoughts on it at JRS soon. What a morning.
Finally finished Supernatural Season 6 re-watch. I'm cutting it close. Season 8 starts next Wednesday, and that is very little time to make it through all 23 eps of S7 when we have all this new TV to check out already. Fingers crossed I can do it! also, S6 isn't a fave of mine although the comedy-centric episodes are fantastic, I wasn't huge fan of the big arc. Will be interesting to see how I feel about S7 the second time round.
Had a great time chatting with Shannon yesterday! Also spent a lot of the day taking foodie photographs. Technically this isn't one of them, I used my fancy camera and this is taken with my non-fancy camera but I haven't uploaded those yet. I am definitely on the foodie radar for major companies these days. This time it was Nestle but I also received baked goods from a new line by Christine Cushing, who I adore!
Oh no! So those tear-shaped crystals are also symbolic Jamie? I can't believe he went crazy line that, poor guy must be really traumatized in his past. Considering he has such issues, it is amazing that he has grown to trust you so quickly Jamie. And I know he will be back.
Shannon, you are a Supernatural trooper! Oh and the last few seasons are so brutal, I don't know how you do it. I can't believe the show is starting next week!!!
Sorry for being late. Had a really long foodie post today and last night I finally got some sleep. Woot!
I'm so sorry to hear that an encounter with the Interloper ending up with so much breakage and tears. Wow. That's heartbreaking.
I like being a Supernatural Trooper! I'm trooping through S7 right now and it's more enjoyable than I thought it would be. The break-neck speed is a bit much but with so many eps there aren't many options.
I love your treats Suzie, and yes you are definetily on some big foodie radars to get those goodies! Way to go :)
Thank you both for your support. I really appreciate the perspective that it must have taken a lot for him to trust me so quickly. Reading other people sharing their experience with stray cats, I see how quick it was! At this point I have to let go and send him love and good wishes and hope he'll be fine wherever he is. I imagine I won't see him again.
On happier notes, Suzie, that looks like Halloween arriving early! That's awesome :)
And Shannon, here's a song for you:
We just have to see if we can sneak the word "natural" in there, hehe.
Super-Natural-Trooper!! I love it :)
I think Super-Natural-Trooper totally works for you Shannon! And you're a Trek-Trooper too, that's awesome. Does that work with Abba?
Jamie, my heart is so sad, that must have been so hard. I guess you just got to let him go for now.
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