The Ridler sisters, Suzie, Jamie and Shannon, discuss their creative projects, from challenges to celebrations, and support each other's creative lives.

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8, 2012


Well, the flowers that were in my kitchen earlier this week have now officially been planted! It felt so decadent to step out of my house at 10:00 in the morning during the week and do some gardening. I really do love working at home. I forgot to give these beauties some water but luckily we had this amazing - and kind of freakish - sudden heavy downpour while the sun continued shining. Wild.


Can you take a candid of yourself? This kidn of is as I often do these pic of me shots on the way out the door when I'm covering film festivals, just to ensure the battery is in my camera and it's working. Wild to see how ritual happen!

Under Our Willow Tree


A new foodie t-shirt, a wind breaker and iPad carrying case. I would say that looks like me getting ready for a bit of adventure thanks to Walmart! Oh and another appointment, this time a dentist appointment. They are going to have to redo my new nightguard because the one they made I would crack with my jaw in days. My new dentist couldn't believe how much wear and tear my old night guard had and said it would just be a waste of money so they are re-doing it with tons of reinforcement. Yeah, life hasn't been stressful at all.


Suzie Ridler said...

Oh Jamie, so pretty, Mom would love those! I'm glad nature helped you out with water.

Shannon, where are you???!!! :)

Shannon the Movie Moxie said...

I got caught in that downpour! I think any time it rained yesterday I was outside!

Suzie I think we are on the same wavelength today - I tried posted and it POOFED and now I posted and we are commenting at the same time!

I love the Trix T-shirt! So cool and yay to adventures and it's nice that your dentist is taking a realism approach to your nightguard.

Oh, and I'm in my apartment. Nothing exciting just the kitchen cupboards.

Jamie Ridler Studios said...

Shannon, you've got that total downtown girl look going on. I hope you're enjoying the festival!

Suzie, awesome stuff. That Trix T totally had me smiling! I hope that things settle down some and your jaw gets a break, never mind the nightguard! ((hugs))

Suzie Ridler said...

There you are Shannon! Oh no, I hope I didn't make your post disappear, I think something like that has happened before. Sorry if I did! And yes, you look so downtown, love it Shannon.

So glad you like the Trix shirt! I can't wait to wear it and it confirms to me that I love wearing all things foodie and fun.

Oh I know, my poor jaw! It's taken on all my stress, poor thing. I hope life calms down for a bit too.