The pipes are finally complete and this weekend we started the process of getting the house back in order. We're all exhausted, so it was also good to take some time for enjoyment and rest. Justin and I went to the local park to watch the tree lighting - yay - and then came home for hot chocolate and oatmeal cookies!
One of the things I've been enjoying recently is playing Spooky's House of Jump Scares. It looks crazy old-school, has extremely simple functions, and doesn't take long to play a little bit and feel like a fun little break. You literally just go from room to room to room, and occasionally something jumps out (or tries to kill you). It's nice to have something goofy and silly, even if it's pop scares!
P.S. Sorry I've not been posting as of late, things have been a little crazy! Hope to be more timely this week :)
I was the official photographer for Reg's kung fu school performance on the weekend! And OMG, it was exhausting and tough but awesome. I did a lot of running around, changing angles and stressing I would run out of space on my memory card but it's all good. Although I am crazy-sore today. Photographing food is much easier but this was a fantastic challenge and I learned a lot.