Back to my regular schedule in the studio means back to early mornings and wow, you can sure feel the season changing. It's back to getting up in the dark. Luckily, I get to witness this and that makes it just a little better :)
Yesterday was a long, long, long day. Actually felt more like 3 separate days instead of one! I am sure after a time my memory of it will be a fuzzy as this picture!
My first day of art school was a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I went in all smiles and happy but soon realized that even though I tried to participate in the conversations going on, people were getting a weird vibe from me or something. They all grouped together far away from me, making conversation uncomfortable. I felt alienated almost immediately.
To watch the teacher required standing above her and I was in terrible pain immediately. I found a way to watch sitting down thanks to a nice guy in the class but it was too late. It hurt like crazy. I realized I probably wasn't going to make friends in the class and focused on this being fun whimsical Suzie time. Everything else is icing on the cake.